They/Them: O Acampamento - Um quase slasher, que quase se aprofunda sobre temas importantes

They/Them: O Acampamento - Um quase slasher, que quase se aprofunda sobre temas importantesThey/Them: O Acampamento é um filme de horror cujo tema é bastante polêmico e pontual, já que é sobre um acampamento que promete corrigir a sexualidade não heteronormativa de seus detentos.

Original Peacock, o longa-metragem dirigido por John Longan - famoso por ser roteirista de vários projetos grandes - é uma parceria também com o estúdio especialista em fitas de horror, a Blumhouse.

O nome original, They/Them carrega o slash no nome, uma vez que essa barra se lê slash em inglês, mas a realidade é que a parte de "filme de matança" é pequena, e será abordada na parte do texto que contará com spoilers.

O início do longa mostra uma mulher com roupas masculinas em um carro à noite. Ela tem os pneus furados e percebe a sabotagem na estrada, para logo depois ser pega por um homicida, fato que deixa confusa a motivação do assassino da vez.

A fotografia de Lyn Moncrief (A Casa no Bayou e Vengeance) é bem escura, buscando esconder possíveis imperfeições de CGI, uma vez que já no início há a ousadia em colocar animais digitais em tela, e de maneira gratuita, com um cervo no meio da mata a noite. Até assusta, mas é uma tentativa meio tola.

Aqui é dado que há uma espécie de assassino mascarado, que lembra versões de Jason. Caso não tivesse uma série de materiais de divulgação, poderia ser encarado como revelação de trama.

A partir dessa imagem haverão spoilers, mas antes disso, vale dizer que o elenco quase inteiro é parte da comunidade LGBTQ +, incluindo o diretor John Logan, e além deles, há Kevin Bacon, um simpatizante da causa que serve de chamariz para o filme.

They/Them: O Acampamento - Um quase slasher, que quase se aprofunda sobre temas importantes

Quando um filme se baseia fundamentalmente na desconstrução de uma ideia, é preciso que o entorno do texto seja bem pensado e arquitetado, e Logan tenta isso, mostrando um cenário comum aos fãs de horror, usando o Acampamento Whistler como base, além do prestígio de Bacon, que esteve lá no filme primordial desse filão, o Sexta-Feira 13 original.

O astro de Footlose faz Owen Whistler, o líder do retiro espiritual. Ele já começa prometendo aos jovens que não vai endireitar ninguém, e assume que não tem poder ou habilidade de transformar essas pessoas em heterossexuais.

Ele apresenta sua equipe - de gente a princípio desimportante - recolhe celulares, remédios, assessórios eletrônicos, e inicia um processo de desintoxicação dos jovens.

Owen é incrivelmente respeitoso com os alunos (ou seriam prisioneiros?!), diz respeitar eles, quer que eles cheguem a conclusão da vida correta sozinhos, e até dá chance a um personagem não binário de ficar no alojamento dos rapazes, e se achasse ruim, poderia trocar para o feminino após um período de teste.

É compreensível no discurso, mas toda sua motivação mira mudar o curso da natureza sexual de pessoas.

They/Them: O Acampamento - Um quase slasher, que quase se aprofunda sobre temas importantes

Muita gente reclamou que o filme possui pouco da formula slasher, e tem surpresas fáceis de desvendar, e de fato o longa-metragem sofre desses dois malefícios.

Ao menos a roda de confissões dos personagens tem sua carga de emoção. Para qualquer pessoa sensível é impossível não se comover com os relatos de rejeição ou maus tratos que cada um ali passou ao longo da vida.

Tem uma cena HIPER constrangedora envolvendo Alexandra (Quei Tann), que tem seu banho invadido pela monitora loira Sarah (Hayley Grifith), e tem sua transição não dita antes exposta a força.

A sequência é extremamente invasiva, e tratada como um momento de horror, uma ótima sacada do cineasta, em tom de denúncia.

A esposa de Owen, Cora é das personagens mais deploráveis mostrados. Sua interprete Carrie Preston é uma atriz subestimada, acostumada a fazer papéis dóceis, e é o caso aqui, ao menos aparentemente.

They/Them: O Acampamento - Um quase slasher, que quase se aprofunda sobre temas importantes

Ela age como uma espécie de psicóloga não licenciada, que parece ser alguém capaz de ouvir um desabafo, mas que docemente solta falácias a respeito da orientação sexual das pessoas, andando na corda bamba do desrespeito e da compreensão.

Em alguns pontos, ela lembra a Missy Armitage que Catherine Keener fez em Corra, com uma voz mais suave e hipnótica, mas igualmente manipuladora.

Evidentemente que, aos poucos, os personagens vão mostrando suas reais faces e suas falhas de caráter.

O zelador Balthazar (Mark Ashwort) por exemplo é tratado como alguém estranho desde sempre, e é até meio estereotipado. Ele coleciona bonecos e marionetes, tem um computador velho, que monitora os banheiros do vestuário feminino, e claro, entra na mira do assassino.

Passada mais da metade da duração finalmente começam as sessões de tortura psicológica, onde os instrutores obrigam os personagens pretensamente sensíveis para o cachorro velho.

Curiosamente analisamos Cães de Caça, filme que fez 20 anos em 2022 e tem um momento semelhante a esse, onde a ideia era mais ou menos a mesma: zerar a consciência da pessoa através de um choque.

They/Them: O Acampamento - Um quase slasher, que quase se aprofunda sobre temas importantes

Ao mesmo tempo que investe em um emocional combalido, também tem um estranha esquecimento sobre os assassinatos na trama. O roteiro parece esquecer que a matança ocorreu em determinado momento, dando vazão a outros terrores, e quando retoma isso, não parece mais tão urgente.

O horror real reside nos métodos do acampamento whistler, que utilizam até iscas, tem métodos medievais que findam em um tratamento com choque nas partes íntimas quando a pessoa se excita vendo outras do mesmo sexo, em um instrumento que lembra cadeira de dragão, instrumento utilizado na Ditadura Militar do Brasil nos anos 1964.

Ao tentar ser atual, o texto acaba se perdendo, exigindo demais da suspensão de descrença. Mesmo em estados conservadores, as pessoas da comunidade deixariam Owen agir como age com os garotos, e ainda cai na besteira de colocar uma personagem, Molly (Anna Chlumsky) discutindo com ele sobre denúncias.

Em uma comunidade pequena e isolada, até se entende a cooperação com criminosos preconceituosos, mas na década de 2020 achar que todo esse conjunto de infrações sairia impune, é exigir demais da suspensão de descrença, ainda mais em uma obra que tenta parecer mais realista e palpável.

O assassino retorna exatamente em outra cena envolvendo sexo, mas claramente só pune os vilões conservadores, os que tentam corrigir os desejos homossexuais ou os que fingem ser o que não são.

O visual dele é ótimo, uma máscara cinza, velha e carcomida, costurada em cima de um corte no meio dela, que não é reto. Ela pode ser encarada como a face negada de uma identidade reprimida

Mas o personagem que faz o assassino tem uma motivação e plano esfregado na cara do vilão - e do espectador - seu caráter. Tudo bem que há trauma envolvido, mas o roteiro de Logan poderia ser menos expositivo.

They/Them: O Acampamento é uma produção confusa, que tenta abordar temas adultos, mas o faz de maneira bem atrapalhada, caindo em cima de um clichê que a população LGBT+ detesta, que a da pessoa insana basicamente por ter uma orientação não heterossexual, e como Logan é um sujeito LGBT isso se torna mais grave. A história ainda tenta dar uma lição ao assassino, mas parece apenas piegas, mal pensado e mal construída.



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    Our service focuses on real, organic growth—no bots, no fake followers. It’s perfect for brands like yours that want to turn Instagram into a lead generation powerhouse. Better yet, our service is provided on a month-by-month subscription basis so you can cancel any time you like. No contracts and a 7 day free trial.

  40. Kristopher Soward 31 dezembro, 2024 at 13:50 Responder

    Your website,, may be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours lose over a thousand potential visitors daily. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system comes in—it’s designed to attract targeted users straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a complimentary 4,000 visitors to realize the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans offer up to a quarter million visitors monthly, helping your website grow its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  41. Brady Pardue 1 janeiro, 2025 at 02:28 Responder

    What if your website could see a massive boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly overlook hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution guarantees you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a 4,000 visitors at no cost so you can test the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we deliver plans for up to 250,000, all targeted to fit your ideal demographic. Let’s enhance your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  42. Mike King 2 janeiro, 2025 at 05:00 Responder

    The 2025 membership for the International Trade Council is now open!

    Register for membership before January 15, 2025, to unlock discounted 1-year Corporate Membership along with incredible free benefits, including 1 year of LinkedIn Business Premium and 1 Year Access to ADAMftd.

    Membership offers countless advantages, from exclusive networking opportunities to market research and trade tools tailored for success.

    Explore the many benefits waiting for you and secure your spot today:

  43. Basil Hatfield 2 janeiro, 2025 at 05:19 Responder

    GetResponse is your all-in-one solution for email marketing, automation, and more. Whether you’re just starting or scaling your business, it’s built to help you grow.

    Sign up for a 14-day free trial to explore the platform and see how it works for you. No obligations—just results.
    Click the link to start your free trial today.

  44. Mackenzie Porter 3 janeiro, 2025 at 02:07 Responder

    Every day, websites like lose valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our AI-driven traffic system is specifically designed to boost your reach and traffic to your site.

    Try it for free with a free trial of 4,000 visitors delivered directly to your site. Once you experience the benefits, you can scale up to receive as many as 250,000 visitors each month. Discover how easy it is to achieve your website’s true potential. Get more information here:

  45. Huey Congreve 3 janeiro, 2025 at 07:21 Responder

    Get more leads for your website by using AI on Instagram. If you’re looking to drive more traffic, generate leads, and grow your brand’s reach, you can get more information and start a free trial here:

    This is an AI-powered Instagram growth service that:
    -Increases followers with targeted, high-quality audiences.
    -Boosts engagement through smart AI algorithms.
    -Targets users based on hashtags and accounts they follow.
    -Saves you time by automating tedious Instagram tasks.

    Our service focuses on real, organic growth—no bots, no fake followers. It’s perfect for brands like yours that want to turn Instagram into a lead generation powerhouse. Better yet, our service is provided on a month-by-month subscription basis so you can cancel any time you like. No contracts and a 7 day free trial.

  46. Latoya Pulsford 3 janeiro, 2025 at 10:01 Responder

    Did you know that your website might not be achieve maximum traffic? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may connect with thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation free trial with 4,000 visitors to demonstrate what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options deliver up to a quarter million visitors monthly. Let us help you realize meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  47. Reta Dellinger 3 janeiro, 2025 at 10:47 Responder

    What if your website was guaranteed a significant boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly miss out on hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution ensures you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a free trial of 4,000 so you can experience the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we deliver plans for up to a quarter million visitors monthly, all targeted to fit your ideal demographic. Let’s grow your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  48. Charles Ryan 4 janeiro, 2025 at 23:26 Responder

    Revolutionize Your Entire Tasks with Merlin: Your All-in-One AI Solution

    The Merlin extension serves as your all-in-one productivity powerhouse, designed to save time, boost creativity, and make your work easier with ease. Featuring advanced AI technologies such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, Claude 3 AI, and Gemini 1.5, Merlin works seamlessly within your browser to elevate your experience everywhere you work.

    Top Capabilities:
    – All-in-One AI Suite: Leverage a suite of AI tools right in your web browser.
    – Simplify Content Tasks: Create or polish content effortlessly materials across LinkedIn, your email accounts, X/Twitter, and other channels.
    – Quick Summaries on Demand: Easily distill information communications, or selected content you’re viewing.
    – Smarter Research Made Easy: Search intelligently and collect data faster than ever.
    – Seamless Integration: Access its features without breaking your focus or leaving your active page.
    – Lifetime Access: Unlock unlimited AI capabilities with a single payment.

    Transform the way you work—start using Merlin today!

    Get Merlin now on AppSumo:

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  49. Amelia Brown 5 janeiro, 2025 at 13:27 Responder

    Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    – Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    – Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    – Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    If you are interested then we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,


  50. Murray Thompkins 5 janeiro, 2025 at 13:45 Responder

    Your website,, could be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours miss out on over 1,000 visitors per day. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system makes a difference—it’s designed to bring the right audience straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a 4,000 free targeted visitors to realize the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans provide up to a quarter million visitors monthly, helping your website grow its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  51. Darell Michel 5 janeiro, 2025 at 14:07 Responder

    Did you know that your website might not be connect with its audience? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may gain access to thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to highlight what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options offer up to 250,000. Let us help you convert lost potential to meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  52. Alyssa Wilks 5 janeiro, 2025 at 15:27 Responder

    Are you maximizing the potential of your website? Many sites lose thousands of visitors daily simply due to a lack of reach. With our AI-driven traffic solution, we can help you unlock this unrealized audience.

    To prove the value, we’re offering a free trial that delivers four thousand highly targeted visitors to your site. Once you see the results, you can scale up with packages that provide up to 250,000 visitors per month. Let’s amplify your website traffic and turn more visitors into opportunities. Get more information here:

  53. Jonna Page 6 janeiro, 2025 at 01:53 Responder

    What if your website could see a significant boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly lose hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution helps you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a free trial of 4,000 so you can test the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we offer plans for up to 250,000, all targeted to fit your ideal demographic. Let’s expand your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  54. Arlene Cousins 6 janeiro, 2025 at 10:09 Responder

    What if your website could see a remarkable boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly miss out on hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution ensures you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a complimentary 4,000 targeted so you can test the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we provide plans for up to 250K, all targeted to align with your niche. Let’s expand your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  55. Darrell Flegg 7 janeiro, 2025 at 06:23 Responder

    Bitcoin has skyrocketed before

    going from $40K to $100K in just a year and it’s set to explode again.

    Don’t miss out on this. With the Helios “Set & Forget” app, you can start earning Bitcoin every 4 hours with no experience needed.

    Plus, it’s 100% risk-free with a money-back guarantee.

    Click Below to get started

  56. Tamara Cutts 7 janeiro, 2025 at 12:28 Responder

    Make the switch and save : Unlimited Wireless for $19.99 – Celebrity-Backed & Hassle-Free

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    • Celebrity-Backed Excellence: Co-founded by Grammy-nominated producer ROCCSTAR, our network delivers innovation with star power.

    Don’t wait to experience wireless that’s fast, reliable, and easy to manage.

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    Roccstar Wireless

  57. Sadie Dawkins 7 janeiro, 2025 at 22:54 Responder

    Hey there

    Looking to improve your posture and live a healthier life? Our Medico Postura™ Body Posture Corrector is here to help!

    Experience instant posture improvement with Medico Postura™. This easy-to-use device can be worn anywhere, anytime – at home, work, or even while you sleep.

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    Don’t miss out on this amazing deal. Get yours now and start transforming your posture!



  58. Elvera Lyons 8 janeiro, 2025 at 11:12 Responder

    Get more leads for your website by using AI on Instagram. If you’re looking to drive more traffic, generate leads, and grow your brand’s reach, you can get more information and start a free trial here:

    This is an AI-powered Instagram growth service that:
    -Increases followers with targeted, high-quality audiences.
    -Boosts engagement through smart AI algorithms.
    -Targets users based on hashtags and accounts they follow.
    -Saves you time by automating tedious Instagram tasks.

    Our service focuses on real, organic growth—no bots, no fake followers. It’s perfect for brands like yours that want to turn Instagram into a lead generation powerhouse. Better yet, our service is provided on a month-by-month subscription basis so you can cancel any time you like. No contracts and a 7 day free trial.

  59. Robyn Casas 8 janeiro, 2025 at 18:38 Responder

    Get more leads for your website by using AI on Instagram. If you’re looking to drive more traffic, generate leads, and grow your brand’s reach, you can get more information and start a free trial here:

    This is an AI-powered Instagram growth service that:
    -Increases followers with targeted, high-quality audiences.
    -Boosts engagement through smart AI algorithms.
    -Targets users based on hashtags and accounts they follow.
    -Saves you time by automating tedious Instagram tasks.

    Our service focuses on real, organic growth—no bots, no fake followers. It’s perfect for brands like yours that want to turn Instagram into a lead generation powerhouse. Better yet, our service is provided on a month-by-month subscription basis so you can cancel any time you like. No contracts and a 7 day free trial.

  60. Tiffany Hooks 9 janeiro, 2025 at 03:30 Responder

    Good day

    Looking to improve your posture and live a healthier life? Our Medico Postura™ Body Posture Corrector is here to help!

    Experience instant posture improvement with Medico Postura™. This easy-to-use device can be worn anywhere, anytime – at home, work, or even while you sleep.

    Made from lightweight, breathable fabric, it ensures comfort all day long.

    Grab it today at a fantastic 60% OFF:

    Plus, enjoy FREE shipping for today only!

    Don’t miss out on this amazing deal. Get yours now and start transforming your posture!



  61. Ericka Catchpole 9 janeiro, 2025 at 03:57 Responder

    Hello Dear,

    As a digital professional, you know how difficult it is to find qualified leads.

    Here’s the solution “5 Million Instagram 2024 USA LEADS” for only $60, using code “LASTCHANCE” which gives you a 40% off.

    This code is valid for FEW DAYS ONLY !

    Get 20K FREE SAMPLE here :


  62. Tricia Hilderbrand 9 janeiro, 2025 at 04:45 Responder

    Get more leads for your website by using AI on Instagram. If you’re looking to drive more traffic, generate leads, and grow your brand’s reach, you can get more information and start a free trial here:

    This is an AI-powered Instagram growth service that:
    -Increases followers with targeted, high-quality audiences.
    -Boosts engagement through smart AI algorithms.
    -Targets users based on hashtags and accounts they follow.
    -Saves you time by automating tedious Instagram tasks.

    Our service focuses on real, organic growth—no bots, no fake followers. It’s perfect for brands like yours that want to turn Instagram into a lead generation powerhouse. Better yet, our service is provided on a month-by-month subscription basis so you can cancel any time you like. No contracts and a 7 day free trial.

  63. Otto Troutman 9 janeiro, 2025 at 15:05 Responder

    What if your website was guaranteed a massive boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly miss out on hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution guarantees you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a 4,000 visitors at no cost so you can see the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we provide plans for up to a quarter million visitors monthly, all targeted to match your audience needs. Let’s enhance your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  64. Lavonda Trenerry 9 janeiro, 2025 at 19:10 Responder

    Your website,, might be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours could attract over 1,000 visitors per day. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system comes in—it’s designed to bring the right audience straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a 4,000 free targeted visitors to see the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans deliver up to 250,000, helping your website grow its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  65. Gail Luffman 10 janeiro, 2025 at 02:22 Responder

    Every day, websites like lose valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our state-of-the-art traffic system is specifically designed to boost your reach and traffic to your site.

    Try it for free with a free trial of 4,000 visitors delivered directly to your site. Once you see the benefits, you can scale up to receive as many as 250K visitors each month. Discover how easy it is to achieve your website’s true potential. Get more information here:

  66. Brian WRIGHT Eng. 10 janeiro, 2025 at 19:03 Responder

    Find a best mate for a marriage or a long-term relationship. Are you looking for a new love and a best mate? Do you want to know which one of the potential candidates will be perfectly compatible with you? If interested, you will get precise and highly detailed answers to these questions in our ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report that we can specially prepare for you. This report will be your best resource for a romantic comparison. You can get more information about our ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report at our store:

  67. No Reply 11 janeiro, 2025 at 02:15 Responder


    I hope you’re doing well!

    Do you need a new e commerce store or want to upgrade, repair, or redesign your existing one? Look no further! We specialize in creating, enhancing, and transforming online stores using WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify .

    Here’s how we can help:

    Custom E commerce Website Development : Create a store that’s visually appealing, responsive, and tailored to your brand.
    Upgrades and Repairs : Enhance functionality, improve performance, and fix any issues with your current store.
    Redesign Services : Give your store a modern, professional look to boost user engagement and sales.
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    Easy to Use Features : Streamlined product browsing, inventory management, and order tracking.

    Why Choose Us?

    Affordable Pricing : Solutions starting at just $500 , offering incredible value.
    15 Years of Experience : Expertise in creating and improving online stores.
    Tailored Solutions : We design and develop to fit your unique business needs.
    Support You Can Trust : Reliable ongoing support to keep your store running smoothly.

    Whether you’re starting fresh or revamping your store, we provide everything you need to succeed in the competitive e commerce space.

    Contact us today at [email protected] to discuss your project or schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to bring your e commerce vision to life!

    Best regards,
    Business Development Executive

  68. Hal Pritt 11 janeiro, 2025 at 13:35 Responder

    Your website,, could be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours could attract over 1,000 visitors per day. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system helps—it’s designed to drive relevant visitors straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a 4,000 free targeted visitors to see the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans provide up to 250K, helping your website expand its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  69. Cora Montgomery 11 janeiro, 2025 at 18:39 Responder

    Hello! My name is Cora Montgomery.

    Be Expressive!

    Visit the site TiaraGaliano EU if you need Women’s Bodysuits.

    Now everything is discounted!

    Follow the link and use code “VIP” for an extra discount in Busie:

    Best regards, Cora Montgomery

  70. Mack Urner 12 janeiro, 2025 at 15:32 Responder

    What if your website could see a remarkable boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly lose hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution ensures you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a complimentary 4,000 targeted so you can test the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we provide plans for up to 250K, all targeted to match your audience needs. Let’s expand your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  71. Mandy Gleason 12 janeiro, 2025 at 15:36 Responder

    Did you know that your website may not be reach its full potential? With our advanced AI traffic system, you might be able to reach thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation free trial with 4,000 visitors to highlight what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options deliver up to 250K. Let us help you turn missed opportunities into meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  72. Zachary Madigan 12 janeiro, 2025 at 17:58 Responder

    Did you know the US Government owes you up to $32,200 per W-2 employee you kept on payroll during the pandemic? The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC) is your chance to claim what you deserve! But time is running out. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
    Act now—visit us at:

  73. Bobby Ryan 12 janeiro, 2025 at 22:34 Responder

    I noticed a few issues on your website and want to fix them for you for free, what’s a good phone number to get ahold of you on?

  74. Les Folingsby 13 janeiro, 2025 at 02:38 Responder

    Your website,, may be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours lose over a thousand potential visitors daily. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system makes a difference—it’s designed to attract targeted users straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a complimentary 4,000 visitors to realize the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans offer up to 250,000, helping your website expand its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  75. Mireya Heymann 13 janeiro, 2025 at 03:19 Responder

    What if your website could see a significant boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly overlook hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution ensures you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a complimentary 4,000 targeted so you can see the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we deliver plans for up to 250,000, all targeted to match your audience needs. Let’s expand your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  76. Tricia Bevins 13 janeiro, 2025 at 19:36 Responder

    Are you maximizing the potential of your website? Many sites lose thousands of visitors daily simply due to a lack of targeted exposure. With our AI-driven traffic solution, we can help you reach this unrealized audience.

    To prove the value, we’re offering a free trial that delivers 4,000 highly targeted visitors to your site. Once you see the results, you can scale up with packages that provide up to 250K visitors per month. Let’s boost your website traffic and turn more visitors into growth. Get more information here:

  77. Ivan Corey 13 janeiro, 2025 at 19:38 Responder

    Did you know that your website could be failing to connect with its audience? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may gain access to thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation free trial with 4,000 visitors to highlight what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options offer up to 250K. Let us help you convert lost potential to meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  78. Ahmad Sharpe 14 janeiro, 2025 at 23:43 Responder

    Every day, websites like miss valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our state-of-the-art traffic system is specifically designed to boost your reach and traffic to your site.

    Try it for free with a free trial of 4,000 visitors delivered directly to your site. Once you test the benefits, you can scale up to receive as many as 250,000 visitors each month. Discover how easy it is to realize your website’s true potential. Get more information here:

  79. Kacey Lambert 15 janeiro, 2025 at 11:08 Responder

    What if your website could see a remarkable boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly miss out on hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution guarantees you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a complimentary 4,000 targeted so you can see the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we deliver plans for up to 250K, all targeted to fit your ideal demographic. Let’s grow your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  80. No Reply 15 janeiro, 2025 at 13:27 Responder


    I am a professional Web Developer and Social Media Marketing Expert with 15 years of experience. I specialize in upgrading, repairing, and redesigning websites, offering cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs.

    In addition, I offer custom e-commerce website development services for WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify.

    I am also an expert in social media marketing and can grow your brand, business, or generate leads at very low rates. If you’re interested, I would be happy to share our pricing list and provide a budget-friendly quotation, along with a sample of our work.

    Please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] for further communication. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thank you,
    Business Development Executive

  81. Dorothy Burris 17 janeiro, 2025 at 02:13 Responder

    Did you know that your website may not be achieve maximum traffic? With our advanced AI traffic system, you could be connect with thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation free trial with 4,000 visitors to highlight what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options offer up to 350,000 visitors monthly. Let us help you turn missed opportunities into meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  82. Muoi Russell 17 janeiro, 2025 at 02:16 Responder

    Did you know that your website could be failing to achieve maximum traffic? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may reach thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to demonstrate what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options deliver up to 350,000 visitors monthly. Let us help you turn missed opportunities into meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  83. Mary McLamb 17 janeiro, 2025 at 12:25 Responder

    Your website,, might be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours miss out on over a thousand potential visitors daily. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system makes a difference—it’s designed to drive relevant visitors straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to see the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans offer up to 350,000, helping your website expand its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  84. Ingrid Cade 17 janeiro, 2025 at 15:28 Responder

    Did you know that your website may not be connect with its audience? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may connect with thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to highlight what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options offer up to 350K visitors monthly. Let us help you convert lost potential to meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  85. Loyd Stovall 18 janeiro, 2025 at 23:39 Responder

    Winter Wonderland Redecorating Ideas! ❄️

    Transform your home into a cozy retreat this winter with Unique Home Decorations! ✨ Whether it’s adding warm throws, festive accents, or elegant lighting, we’ve got you covered with inspirations that match your style.

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    Visit to explore our handpicked winter collection.

    Tell us: What’s your favorite winter decor trend? Comment below! ⬇️

    #WinterDecor #HomeTransformation #UniqueHomeDecor

  86. Brian WRIGHT Eng. 19 janeiro, 2025 at 03:21 Responder

    Get a best mate for a marriage or a long-term relationship. Are you looking for a new love and a best mate? Do you want to know which one of the potential candidates will be perfectly compatible with you? You can get precise answers to all these questions in our ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report that we can prepare for you. You can get your ROMANTIC COMPATIBILITY report at

  87. Lucinda Diamond 19 janeiro, 2025 at 14:28 Responder

    Your website,, could be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours could attract over 1,000 visitors per day. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system helps—it’s designed to attract targeted users straight to your site.

    Take the first step with a complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to realize the impact firsthand. Afterward, our plans provide up to 350,000, helping your website grow its audience and engagement effortlessly. Get more information here:

  88. Courtney Word 20 janeiro, 2025 at 02:16 Responder

    Are you maximizing the potential of your website? Many sites miss out on thousands of visitors daily simply due to a lack of reach. With our AI-driven traffic solution, we can help you unlock this unrealized audience.

    To prove the value, we’re offering a free trial that delivers 4,000 highly targeted visitors to your site. Once you see the results, you can scale up with packages that provide up to 350K visitors per month. Let’s boost your website traffic and turn more visitors into growth. Get more information here:

  89. Zandra Rude 20 janeiro, 2025 at 02:23 Responder

    Are you making the most of the potential of your website? Many sites miss out on thousands of visitors daily simply due to a lack of reach. With our AI-driven traffic solution, we can help you unlock this unrealized audience.

    To prove the value, we’re offering a free trial that delivers four thousand highly targeted visitors to your site. Once you see the results, you can scale up with packages that provide up to 350K visitors per month. Let’s amplify your website traffic and turn more visitors into opportunities. Get more information here:

  90. Williemae Carreno 20 janeiro, 2025 at 16:55 Responder

    Did you know that your website could be failing to achieve maximum traffic? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may connect with thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation complimentary 4,000 targeted visitors to highlight what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options offer up to 350,000 visitors monthly. Let us help you realize meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  91. Abel Soares 21 janeiro, 2025 at 14:09 Responder

    Did you know that your website could be failing to achieve maximum traffic? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may connect with thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation free trial with 4,000 visitors to showcase what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options offer up to 350K visitors monthly. Let us help you convert lost potential to meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  92. Cindy Boreham 21 janeiro, 2025 at 14:29 Responder

    What if your website experienced a significant boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly miss out on hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution helps you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a complimentary 4,000 targeted so you can experience the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we provide plans for up to 350K visitors monthly, all targeted to fit your ideal demographic. Let’s enhance your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  93. Adolph Lamarr 22 janeiro, 2025 at 02:09 Responder

    Are you making the most of the potential of your website? Many sites lose thousands of visitors daily simply due to a lack of targeted exposure. With our AI-driven traffic solution, we can help you tap into this unrealized audience.

    To prove the value, we’re offering a free trial that delivers four thousand highly targeted visitors to your site. Once you see the results, you can scale up with packages that provide up to 350,000 visitors per month. Let’s boost your website traffic and turn more visitors into opportunities. Get more information here:

  94. Karine Hargett 23 janeiro, 2025 at 23:20 Responder

    What if your website experienced a massive boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly overlook hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution ensures you don’t fall into that category.

    Get started with a 4,000 visitors at no cost so you can test the results firsthand. Beyond the trial, we provide plans for up to 350K visitors monthly, all targeted to match your audience needs. Let’s grow your site’s reach together. Get more information here:

  95. Ruby McCourt 24 janeiro, 2025 at 02:54 Responder

    Your website,, could be reaching so many more people! On average, sites like yours could attract over 1K visitors per day. That’s where our AI-powered traffic system makes a difference—it’s designed to attract targeted users straight to your site.

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  96. Qasim Yaseen 24 janeiro, 2025 at 09:55 Responder


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  97. Zoila Marko 24 janeiro, 2025 at 13:22 Responder

    What if your website was guaranteed a massive boost in traffic starting today? Many sites unknowingly miss out on hundreds—even thousands—of potential visitors daily. Our AI-powered solution helps you don’t fall into that category.

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  98. Brian WRIGHT Eng. 24 janeiro, 2025 at 18:47 Responder

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  99. Mallory Lillard 25 janeiro, 2025 at 00:55 Responder

    Every day, websites like miss valuable opportunities to attract visitors. Don’t let that happen to you! Our cutting-edge traffic system is specifically designed to bring more visibility and traffic to your site.

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